What is Christian Yoga?

Yoga traditionally, focuses on connecting to ‘the divine' and has a tendency to emphasise the personal power  of the divine in you and tuning in to the energy of ‘the universe’.  Here at ImagoDei Wellbeing & Yoga we believe that the chief end of man is to be with God and worship with Him. Every good thing finds its fullest expression in Jesus. I believe this about the practice of Yoga. At ImagoDei Wellbeing & Yoga we teach Christ centred mindfulness and yoga or what I like to call moving meditation. Christian yoga is the application of that theology. The reorientation of the practice to how God always intended it to be: a tool we can use to worship God with our bodies in physical exercise. Often in our culture there is conscious and also unconscious divide between what is sacred and what is secular. We compartmentalise; defining church and quiet time in the morning as sacred and our day to day jobs and going to the gym and working out as secular. However God is in it all. 

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Yoga is a form of exercising the body that lends itself to being more spiritual than other traditional forms of exercise. This is why and how as a Christian you can bring in our own Christian spirituality and theology into the practice to engage your mind body and your very breath to bring it into God’s presence intentionally. Mindfully moving on the mat, meditating on Gods word in order to mindfully live your life off the mat as well — bringing what you meditate on and do in your yoga practice seamlessly into your life as a Christian. 

Christian yoga is about a reorientation of your life and reintegrating one aspect of it (i.e. your physical exercise) into the presence of God.  

“Every time you feel hurt, offended, or rejected, you have to dare to say to yourself: “These feelings, strong as they may be, are not telling me the truth about myself. The truth, even though I cannot feel it right now, is that I am the chosen child of God, precious in God’s eyes, called the Beloved from all eternity, and held safe in an everlasting embrace. Act ahead of your feelings and trust that one day your feelings will match your convictions.” 

-- Henri Nowen

 Choose now and continue to choose this incredible truth. You are BELOVED. Made in His Image, made to BE well. 


Because life is both beauty and pain, we need encouragement and a safe space to move our bodies and heal our minds and refresh our souls. That is why I’ve started this business and I hope it is what you will experience as you practise on the mat and choose to take what you’ve done there, into the rest of your day.

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More about your yoga teacher