The Out of Office Bundle
Take a break, unwind from work, you are officially…
Out of the Office!
Come and find rest for your soul, as well as your body.
Begin to intentionally slow down now. Why not bring these specially curated soothing sounds to your time of mindful movement.
Music to help you truly rest and unwind today.
A little moment to yourself
[ 5 min ]
Before beginning this video why not place one hand on your heart, close down your eyes and…
[Rest of the text available upon purchase.]
The Out of Office Bundle [ collection cont. ]
Before starting these videos why not place one hand on your heart, close down your eyes & maybe think of…
[Rest of the text available upon purchase]
De-stress + Unwind
[ 10 mins ]
Stretch the stress away
[15 mins ]
A Blessing for you :
Lord you alone… In peace I will ... Fill me now with —
[ Rest of the text available upon purchase]