Welcome to ImagoDei Wellbeing & Yoga.


“Rest reminds you of your dignity.”

It all begins with an idea. The idea that you are worthy of rest.

My deep hope is that this space can be a place of rest for your soul. A space where you can experience peace like a river and grace as vast as the ocean.

If grace is an ocean we’re all sinking, so be encouraged friend if you feel like you’re drowning in the chaos of life, maybe just maybe, it’s an opportunity for you to sink into grace instead.

So come as you are, you are so welcome here.

Every Wednesday at 6pm or 7.30pm

Located at the Pudding Pantry in Beeston, Nottingham [England]

  • Mats to stand on, mats that stand for something.

    Every mat represents a tree planted by HomeTree Ireland. The majestic “Wild Paws” Yogi Bare mat, a place for you to feel grounded and evergreen. Each mat extending an invitation for you, to come home to your self.

  • Essential oil head massage

    Every class ends with a soothing head massage. Featuring Lush massage bars, Sri Lankan Ayurvedic tiger balm and other aromatherapy massage oils.

  • Get an IDW Tote bag!

    Purchase the iconic IDW tote bag after your in-person class and get 50% off making it just £5!

  • Inhale, exhale.

    Sometimes the greatest trip you can take isn’t a holiday or a destination. It’s going on Airplane mode on your phone for awhile and taking some deep breaths.

I cannot wait to meet you and to move together

Whatever deep soul nourishing, revitalising rest looks like for you, may you gear your life more and more towards it, towards unapologetic rest. Busyness will not prove your popularity. Bodily neglect will not prove your importance. Exhaustion will not prove your worth. Never forget, that rest reminds you of your dignity and divinity, because even God rested on the seventh day.

Book your space now


Choose rest


Book your space now . Choose rest .

Did you know?

You can become an UNLIMITED YOGA member!

Making your in-person classes just £5 each?!

Or you can bulk buy 5 classes for £35 and spread those 5 classes over 2months… so many options!

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What are you waiting for? Whether in Nottingham or not —

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